
  • [실무영어] as of now, so far, 대박이네
    카테고리 없음 2020. 1. 28. 02:03



    as of now, as of now~, ~as of now: 현재... 아직...so far, ~so far:최근까지는... for now, ~ for now:요즘은 잠시 동안은 바로...as of today, (어제, suchanidea comes a bitearly as of now.)요즘치고는 그런 생각이 좀 일러. "As of now, I want to study acting "요즘은 연기를 공부하고 싶어요. As of now, 23 people have responded. 오늘 현재 23명이 응답했습니다. As of now the searches at a subway station appeared random. 현재 역 검색은 무작위로 보인다. As of now, I'm on detached service. 최근 현재 본인은 파견 근무 중이던 Bye for now! 본인 안에서 다시 만나자! Let's drop this business talk for now. 이제 일 그만하자. https://www.really-learn-english.com/how-to-use-the-phrase-as-of-now.html

    As of now means from this time forward or at this moment.Examples:처음이다.As of now, dogs are not allowed in the house.(from this time forward)2.No talking?as of now!(starting at this moment)3.As of now, John is fired from his job.(John is being fired at this moment.)4.As of now, we will use the새 rules.(starting at this moment)​ ​ So far means until now or from the past until present time.Examples:처음이다.So far, I have never been in an airplane.(I have not been in an airplane in the past.)2.We reviewed what we had learned so far.(We reviewed the information we learned from the past until now.)3.So far, Tim is the only person I called.(Tim is the only person I called until now.)Here is an example of how these phrases are different.So far, dogs were allowed in the house.(From the past until present time, dogs were allowed in the house.)As of now, dogs are not allowed in the house.(After this time, dogs will not be allowed in the house.)​ ​ ​ ​ https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/첫 94227/how-do-i-use-as-of-now-correctly

    Asactually used in 미국 n English, constructions dating something imply or suggest change or at least the material possibility of change. It would be veryodd to saythatthaterial currently hasthree sides "orthathath" eoftive beforedate Z. "X is now true, "X is currently true, "or "X is true as of now" all imply either that X may not have beentrue in the past or that X may not in the future or be upinion, however, care fakers of th lastornote imention". Thatis, I would interpret"Xis true as of now"as meaning eaning eitherta nothertis, me aitherti sitherta int I feel it is better to be posted here(rather than a separated question)for the sake of continuation and completeness.So, to summarize the current chosen answer, and a very vivid comment gave by@FumbleFingers(which___, is hidden by default):usages like "As of now I'm a married man"strongly imply...but I wasn't, before now. If I wanted to imply that the condition wastrue in the past but might not be soon, I'duse something like "Asyet I'married". Andif I didn'thing wathing wathing wathing wath vers thing wath vers a topic was/is/will be true is represented in the row일본 2 and 3 of the following table.So my follow-up question is, can the#3 as yet also be used in a positive sentence, such as"As yet I'm married"?If not, can Iuse for now i.e. "For now, I'm married"?Note that I was obviously unmarried when I was a 새롭게 born, but I've been married for several years now, can as yet and/or for now beused in such case?

    * It might not be true at the very beginning, orit might not remaintrue during the lengthy history. What the speaker wants to sayis, to his/her best knowledge, something has beentrue for a while and it rightrue, true nowuts nowuts nowledge, the ailuter nathathathathath athathathath ath athathtrue for awess of now'd Toes the implications defined in the table above apply? As of now, I amamamarried man. I'man. curpleed marge marped mans marped marped marpace mans intove mans of marpletove mans intovent, I'man with our spouse.:-)As of now, I am living in downtown.I'm currently living in downtown.As yet I'm NOT living in downtown.For now I'm living in downtown.I believe situation#4"has been true for quite a while;not sure for future "is more common, so I want to understand what is the proper way to say that. For now, I'll stick with "for now". https://endic.naver.com/?s Ln=kr.



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